Friday, March 2, 2012

First Concert at Libby

This semester I am in the Utah Symphonic Band. And last night was our first concert. I thought it went pretty well. I like the songs we played especially Redwood, by Ryan George. It is a really pretty piece. Apparently recordings of this song just don't exist so everyone who wasn't there simply missed out. It was a little weird playing in Libby Gardner hall for the first time because acoustically, the hall is not set up for a band. It is set up for an orchestra. So everything echos. Like a lot. But I still thought we sounded good. (probably just shows how little I really know)

I failed though because I did not get any pictures. Oh well... I don't really like pictures anyway. 

The best part of the concert was the Utah Wind Ensemble. They sounded amazing! I loved it. They played the four movements of Maslanka's Symphony 7. It was so cool!! I thought the third movement was the coolest. (Finding a decent recording of it though is turning out to be really difficult. So you're going to have to trust me on this one too..) ((Come on people!! I need recordings of this stuff...))