Well, I started packing up my dorm today. I am really excited to be moving on Thursday. I don't really have a lot to pack, but it will still be a good little project to keep me occupied until Thursday finally gets here. So far I have things put away that I won't be using between now and then. Like printer paper, pictures and other little decorative things that I managed to fit into my little dorm room. The keyboard came down too. Although, I really don't have anywhere to put it in the meantime. It is also a good thing that I know someone with connections to boxes. Lots of boxes. (Luckily I only need a couple though.) I have also had so many people offer to help me move. It is good to know that I will be taken care of if I ever need help. (Thanks everyone!)
It will be so nice to be out of the dorms and into a bigger and nicer place. Don't get me wrong though, the dorms are a good experience.. but it's an experience that does not need to be very long. I would recommend living in dorms to anyone, but only for a semester. Then get out. I really like my roommate, but the room is pretty small and my keyboard and several other instruments are just not fitting very well. AND I would like to get a guitar to add to my collection of instruments and that just won't work in a dorm room. I will miss seeing Maddy though. She is fun, super cute, and very funny. I got really lucky in having an awesome roommate. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the neighbors across the hall...up all hours of the night...with really loud music....playing soccer in the hall...breaking things all the time. Yeah. They are great guys..
Luckily for me, things have worked out really well though! I can hardly believe my luck. I will be living in a house, close to campus, in my own room, with lots of other great living benefits. And then some. I am really excited to have a kitchen. I have seriously missed that! It will be so nice! I will be able to bring some stuff from Roosevelt that I had to leave out of my dorm too. Like my giant picture of me playing volleyball. (Yep. Vain) I hope to hang up more pictures too. My dorm room is pretty boring..
It will be a really nice change and I am really looking forward to it. Thursday can not get here fast enough!
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