Monday, April 9, 2012


On Saturday, I drove to Orem to meet Jayde at UVU. He was watching the track meet there. It was pretty cool. Go Union. Go Audrey. But after that, I let Jayde drag me around to find him some new shoes. A little backwards there - Jayde was the one wanting to do the shopping. haha.

After that, and after a faulty gps, we made it to the Jones house where Spencer, Tanner and Nate were with their cousins in their annual epic Easter egg coloring extravaganza. This year's theme for eggs was Heroes vs. Villains. So I decorated my one "Spiderman" egg. It was fun and I'm really glad I was there because that was the only "Easter" thing I did this year. (Cache did tell me about everything I missed back in Roosevelt though.)

I called my family Easter morning and talked to Cache mostly :) and then to Brynne for a while. I'm really excited and very much looking forward to being home with them again. I miss the little people. And even Chuck too. (And another significant person..)
But I went to church with Julie, and then later I went to Angela's house.

Angela's mom made a really good dinner but before that, I played a few games with her family. It was so fun!!  I have not laughed that hard in..... I have no idea, but I laughed so hard. Angela and her brothers are so funny. Actually her mom is too. Actually their whole family is funny. But I had such a good time; always laughing. So thank you Angela :) I had so much fun. When (note: I said "when") we live together next fall, it will be a party every day. But now I think that Angela definitely needs to meet my family now. (That would make it official Angela.) ;) So mom, I'm going to bring Angela to Roosevelt with me sometime soon. :) We just can't play Clue because Angela will win and we can't play Apples to Apples because I will win.

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