Wednesday, August 29, 2012

" I'm Feeling, Good " (that's a song)

Let's see, there are a few things I really want to focus on this school year and set some personal goals. I always think about goals that I have (or could have, or should have), but I do much better with them when I tell someone what I plan to do. So I figure, if I tell the world-wide-web... then I will be sure to keep with my goals because I'll know everyone is expecting me to. (Whether or not anyone actually is expecting anything is beside the point..)
So here goes.

  1. I want to keep school work at school to save time for personal study at home.
  2. I will forever be working on daily scripture study.
  3. Keep up with homework. No getting behind or piled up.
  4. Motivate myself through the whole semester. I know I'm feeling good and hopeful now. I just need to keep it that way.
  5. Trust God.
Well, that's what it comes down to. I'm sure if I sat here for another hour I could have a really good (and a lot longer) list. But I feel content with the five I have right now. No need to overwhelm myself too quickly.

But I really do love the feeling at the beginning of a school year. I feel so motivated and determined and all ready to hit the ground running. It's a good feeling. The problem is, when it gets later in the semester and I don't feel like doing anything. So my list of goals is hopefully going to help me. We'll see what happens.

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