So... I have been struggling with my instrument. I feel like I have hit a major block. I don't feel myself getting any better. If anything my playing and technical skills are getting worse. At this point, I honestly need a new instrument! Mine right now is really holding me back. It has served me well thus far, but I cannot progress any further with the clarinet I have now.
I am really hoping to get a Buffet R13 very very soon in my future. I want to audition with the Utah Wind Ensemble, but I don't have a prayer with my current horn. I need a new instrument. (Can you tell I'm just venting now?)

Buffet clarinets do not run at a very low price. The R13, specifically, does not run at a low price. It runs about the same as a little run-around car you would get for your teenager. So here starts the
Brooke-Needs-A-New-Clarinet Fund. Ha. Just kidding. We'll just have to do some planning and saving and looking into that. Like..........this summer. So yeah. Hopefully.
I want to be good.. And I want to play really well.. And right now I really feel like I'm struggling. I'm fighting with my instrument. We are not getting along. It is time for me to move on and find a clarinet who cares about me and will help me be a better musician.
Luckily, I already have a fantastic mouthpiece. That thing alone improved my sound like crazy! I still struggle with the keys on my instrument, but the sound is improving because I got a Rossi mouthpiece. (Rossi = big deal!)