Friday, January 4, 2013

Breakfast in Bed

Lucky me. Guess which girl got breakfast in bed this morning. :) This one did. My husband is fantastic. I had a headache last night and went to bed early. But this morning I woke up to this:

Isn't he amazing. Waffles and Hot Chocolate. :) Thank you Spencer!

So I think the apartment is pretty much put together now. I'm getting things put away and finding places for all of my... stuff... so all is well. This place now looks nothing like it did last semester when there were four guys living here. Mwahahaha. I really like it though. Like a ton! (not just a lot) We've made a couple of trips to Wal-Mart. I now have a step stool so I can actually reach things :) haha and I have most of my cute decoration stuff all over on the walls now. Yep. Nothing like the bachelor pad it used to be.


  1. Can't wait to see what you've done with the place!

  2. Looks like you'd better hang on to the extra waffle irons for replacements when the old one wears out! Yum!

  3. Should post pictures of what your place looks like now that you've added a womens touch to it.
