Sunday, September 23, 2012


Yesterday I spent the day up in Logan at the Bridgerland Band Invitational. It's a High School Marching Band competition (which I have never before attended anything of the sort) and it was pretty cool. I wasn't exactly there to just watch the high schools perform though. I was there to tell them about the Marching Ute Experience 2012. (Which I think I rocked at.) But it was a long day up in Logan.

I couldn't believe how "into it" everyone at the competition was. The atmosphere of a marching competition was totally foreign to me because I came from a high school that only cares about athletics and where no one thinks marching band is cool. At this competition, it wasn't just cool. It was a really Big Deal! All these kids were serious about what they did, but they all really loved it and had tons of fun with it too. And I couldn't believe how big some of these high school bands were! Totally new concept for me.

So I got thinking, because every high school except mine is big into marching band, I won't really know what I'm doing if I was put into a high school with a marching band reputation.... It would be a little out of my comfort zone because I wouldn't know what I was doing or even how to do it. I've never been in a competitive marching band situation. I guess that's something I'm going to have to figure out. Because I really don't know how that works.

1 comment:

  1. I was a high school marching band junkie, and I loved every minute of it. There are some great software programs to help you write drill, and if you get enough assistants (one for low brass, one for high brass, one for woodwinds, one for Pit and Drumline, etc.), things should go fine. Don't fret too much yet. That's just borrowing trouble from tomorrow.
