Sunday, January 8, 2012

Goals for 2012 (aka Resolutions)

Ok so, today in Sunday School, the first thing the teacher did was ask us to tell our neighbor one of our New Year's Resolutions. I actually hadn't written any down...then. But now, I'm all over this.

My "Goals for 2012" are as follows:
  • Find a Job
  • Establish and keep track of a Budget
  • Learn to play Guitar
  • Daily Prayer and Scripture Study
  • Diligent Journal Writing
  • Never forget a Fast Sunday (yeah... oops)
  • Go to the Temple to do Baptisms at least once a month
                                                 __________________  (this is totally where my signature would go)

And there you have it. I wanted to keep the list fairly small so I could actually do them all. I think it is a good start for me. But I'm posting my goals so that you all (whomever that may refer to) can hold me accountable for keeping with all of them and remembering each day. (Yes, Mom, that means you.)

I'm looking forward to this year. It will definitely be an adventure and I feel like it will be life changing for me. But here is to trusting that I have a Father in Heaven who knows what I'm doing, and (more importantly) knows what He's doing.

1 comment:

  1. Good girl! It's harder to remember fast Sunday when nobody around you is fasting. I would make myself big notes and hang them on my pantry shelf.
