Monday, January 9, 2012

Sweet... 19 (?)

Alrighty, well Saturday was my birthday. And with my birthday being in January, there is always snow. Only....this year it hasn't really snowed. At all. So you can imagine my surprise when I woke up Saturday morning to find snow covering the..everything, and it was still snowing too! Kinda cool. I'm going to just keep thinking that God made it snow just for my birthday :) Because I'm vain like that. (It hasn't snowed since either. Hm....)

So Friday night, I made my birthday cake that my loving mother sent home with me. (Actually.... I ate some of it Friday night with Melodie too. Whatever. Totally still counts.) It looks pretty good, if I do say so myself. It tasted good. That's really all that counts. But I took a picture for you Mom. (Hi Mom!)

Most of my birthday day was spent with Ben. We went bowling and played mini golf and went to the mall and watched a movie and he took me to dinner (Chinese too. Totally my favorite. Points.) and then we chilled at his house for a while. His parents even got me a present. A cook book which I am pretty excited to use. And his sister made me a cute necklace and matching earrings. Their gifts really surprised me but I was touched. Ben's mom made another cake I have had plenty of cake. But it was way fun. It was quite a long day too but I loved it.

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